April 30, 2007

Get simple URL and get rid of long web address

If you want to share the Google or yahoo map URL, or any eBay URL, its very difficult to remember as well as its long to send it to others, because many time it delivers as a broken link in mail and chat. Even cross verifying is also tedious and time consuming. If you are tired doing so, You can get short URL with the help of "Tiny URL" application. Its pretty simple.

  • Go to tiny URL website and paste your long URL and get tiny URL.

  • Add Tiny URL to your browser toolbar and get simple URL instantaneously by clicking a button

Tiny URL promises that Tiny URL will not break in email postings and never expires.

There are other applications are also available to get simple URL. URLTea, SnipURL, Shorl are some of the applications to get simple URL and equally as good as Tiny URL.

I tried URL Tea, Its really cool. You can add the email teabot@tinyurl.com to your Google Talk. I tried with an address and it gave really a simple URL.

Snip URL also does the same as Tiny URL and it has other features like you can choose your URL, protected URL and lot more features.

Shorl, does the same as Tiny URL. And it has unique feature of checking the stats of number of clicks on the URL.
Overall, use these simple application to share the simple URL here on and try to avoid long URLS.

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