April 26, 2007

Unbelievable - Insane AOL Design

Image Couresy: Tech Crunch

Oh God! After reading the article in TC, its totally upset and unfair. How could a big brand like AOL can do a insane copy like this?

Yeah Am talking about AOL's new home page. Its a 99% copy of Yahoo's home page. 1% difference is it has AOL text instead of Y! It is terrible that even the button and tabs are also looks exactly as Yahoo home page.

Getting inspiration from successfull design is normal in web, but coping 100% is abnormal. Even a entry level designer will think of a new design. Am really thinking of Y! design team and waiting for their comments & reaction on this. AOL set a bad example now.
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Anonymous said...

Ohhh...check if you have not seen this.
Compare http://www.hindustantimes.com with http://www.nytimes.com

see the two big brands...

Anonymous said...

Vinay you are absolutely right, I saw HT's new website its a complete rip off of NYT's. Now-a-days what had happened to the designers they can't think or its the problem with the client's (HT, NYT, etc.) management people.

Rajesh Anandakrishnan said...


I didn't know about this. Do you have any idea on how long Hindustan Times has this design?

Rajesh Anandakrishnan said...


I think, they are buying the Design Template from some Agency which is successful in creating News Portal.

Alok Jain said...

He Rajesh,

Nytimes is an award winning design by Razorish (you know how I know that :-) . I am not sure to be more upset about HT copying it v/s screwing up even that.

On other hand , an optimistic inside me says it's still better than putty a less effective design, In some ways it's a recognition of the importance of the design, but might be budgets or jus pure maturity of the organisation around UX did not allow them to create a new and better design.

On a related note, there is a fair amount of similarity between gmail and OSX email client, and I think some other products from google as well.

Rajesh Anandakrishnan said...


It is surprising that even Mac is using the best experience from others. I have not worked on the application, but few screen shots on web, it smells like gmail.