July 23, 2007

How to select the favourite color for blog?

Choosing right color is very for any blog or site. Photoshop is what generally used by designers to know the hexadecimal value of the color. Its very expensive. Bloggers are not designers and generally wont have photoshop. Color picker is free software provided by iconpico. With the help of colorpic, you can easily pick color from any screen.

When do we use Color Pic?

Most of the time we struck with which color to choose for our blog / site. Some time we also recommend the designers to use few colors which you feel good. There are time we also get inspiration of colors from other websites. On all these scenarios, we need to communicate the HTML code or designer with color code language, most of the time in hexadecimal value. Use color pic and get the value. Colorpic is simple to use & its FREE.

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