July 15, 2007

Is IPhone the best among phones? - A Study

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Its a debate on Iphone comparison with other phones in market now. End of the day users who bought the phone & used for atleast a week, are the best person to judge. There is an Usability Survey happening on "iPhone More 'Intuitive' Than Other Devices, Usability Survey Shows"

While some of the likes (music playing) were expected, there were some dislikes (Google Maps) that were a surprise, according to User Centric. Read more...

If above link expires in future, following is the summary.

  • "Overall the respondents like the iPhone," said Pamela Stoffregen, User Centric market specialist. "But the Safari Web browser was slow and they were frustrated by the browser."
  • The market research firm waited until 10 iPhone owners had a full week of experience using their phones before asking their opinions on the device.
  • Text entry was much easier on the touch screen soft-keyboard of the iphone compared to the standard multi-tap text entry.
  • Keyboard is bigger in the horizontal view and you don't hit the wrong buttons.
  • Ipod capability is easy to use
  • Participants uniformly found text entry sms and email to be dificult.
  • Forced to use the vertical keyboard and the lack of visibility for editing the middle of the word or sentence.
  • Google maps is difficult to use
  • AT&T's Edge network is slow.

    Stoffregen said User Centric plans to conduct a series of tests with the iPhone in the future; she added that there wasn't enough data emanating from the first study to determine whether the features of the iPhone are significant enough for widespread use by businesses.
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