May 12, 2007

Adobe Dreamweaver cs3 - Review.

DW CS3- Enhanced Version

For past 8 years, Dreamweaver is leading the HTML & web authoring space. None of the other applications including Microsoft's Front Page is not par with DW. After the Adobe's acquisition of Macromedia, there are lots of new advanced featured added in DW. Dreamweaver CS3 integrates well with other Adobe tools, including Adobe Flash CS3 Professional, Fireworks CS3, Photoshop CS3, Contribute CS3, and new Adobe Device Central CS3 for creating mobile device content.

Creating and configuring CSS (Cascading style sheet) is made easier than the previous version of DW. In code view, few lines of codes can be collapsed for easy and faster editing. Enhanced code hints are available for HTML as well as server side scripting. Embedding flash file is made easy for non flash users.

The new browser compatibility check and CSS advisor make it simple to find and resolve CSS issues. And Photoshop integration makes image management as easy as copy and paste. Option of zooming and Pan is also available in CS3.

There are lots of flexibility in CS3. CS3 is the best of all Dreamweaver versions.
Also See: Adobe Dreamweaver cs3 review - 2

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